Retrieve orders


This action allows you to retrieve the last orders associated with a sensor or provider. In addition,we can also specify search criteria to retrieve the orders: filter by a given time period and/or indicate the maximum number of orders that you want to retrieve.

Format json
Method GET
Permission Read
Retorns List of orders destined to sensor or provider listed


Key Description Optional
from Indicates the beginning of the time period for which you want to retrieve orders. Yes
to Indicates the ending of the time period for which you want to retrieve orders. Yes
limit Specifies the maximum number of orders to retrieve. Yes

Please, note the following:

  • The maximum number of records returned will be fixed by the platform settings. If the parameter passed is higher, the number of records returned will be the configured in the platform.
  • If the limit parameter is not set, only one record will be returned.
  • All dates must have the following format: dd/MM/yyyyTHH:mm:ss

Response data

As mentioned, in addition to HTTP status code, the requested data is returned in the body contents as a list of orders.

The response structure depends on what we are retrieving, orders from a sensor or a provider.

Last orders for a sensor

Key Description Optional
orders List with the last sensor’s order No

Each order will have the following structure:

Key Description Optional
order Order message recorded at the time the order was published No
timestamp The time when the order was made (dd/MM/yyyyTHH:mm:ss format) No
sender Entity identifier that issued the order. No
time The time when the observation was made in milliseconds No

Last orders for provider

Key Description Optional
sensors List with sensors (sensor) No

Each (sensor) will have the following structure:

Key Description Optional
sensor Sensor identifier No
orders List with the last orders for the sensor No

Finally, each command (order) will have the structure that we have defined previously.

Key Description Optional
order Order message recorded at the time the order was published No
timestamp The time when the order was made (dd/MM/yyyyTHH:mm:ss format) No
sender Entity identifier that issued the order. No


Retrieve the last order for a sensor

To retrieve the last order for the sensor with RE0012 identifier belonging to the provider named rec, we do the following request:


As response we will get:


Retrieve the last N orders for a sensor

If we want to retreive more than one order, we can specify the number of records to retrieve with the following request:


As response we will get:


Retrieve the last N orders for a sensor between dates

If we want to retrieve orders for a sensor between two dates, we should do the following request:


As response we will get:


Retrieve the last orders for a provider

All the previous examples are focused on recovering the last command of a sensor, but the service also allows you to search the latest orders destined for all the sensors of provider.

In this case, we only specify the provider, and the request will be:


As response we get a list of sensor elements, and each one will contain its last orders.
